According to our Polkadot price prediction , DOT is expected to reach a price of $  15.41 by Mar 19, 2024. This would represent a 31.34% price increase for DOT in the next 5 days.
What has been going on with Polkadot in the last 30 days Polkadot has been displaying a positive trend recently, as the coin gained 58.63% in the last 30-days. The medium-term trend for Polkadot has been bullish, with DOT increasing by 60.65% in the last 3 months. The long-term picture for Polkadot has been positive, as DOT is currently displaying a 86.87% 1-year price change. On this day last year, DOT was trading at $  6.27.
Polkadot reached its all-time high price on Nov 04, 2021, when the price of DOT peaked at $  54.98. The current DOT cycle high is $  11.86, while the cycle low is at $  3.59. DOT has been displaying high volatility recently – the 1-month volatility of the coin is at 14.13. Polkadot recorded 20 green days in the last 30 days.